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    Semiconductor analog of graphene: Graphene oxide has been synthesized at our R&D facilities using modified reaction Hummer technique. Growth technique emphasizes on minimizing the defect density

    更新时间: 2022-07-15
    产品价格: 5602.35
    厂商性质: 生产厂家
    访问次数: 605
  • PTAS (solid)

    The only commercially available PTAS organics. To date our PTAS materials enable many researchers to synthesize 2D CVD materials.

    更新时间: 2022-07-15
    产品价格: 6041.75
    厂商性质: 生产厂家
    访问次数: 717
  • 碲单层溶液

    This product contains tellurene monolayer, few-layer, and thicker flakes in isopropanol solution. Synthetic tellurene crystals has been first grown at 99.9995% purity, followed by dispersion into

    更新时间: 2022-07-15
    产品价格: 4284.15
    厂商性质: 生产厂家
    访问次数: 617
  • 单层二硫化钨钼溶液

    High quality monolayer MoWS₂ solution The first monolayer WS2 solution that is made out of synthetic 99.995% quality MoWS₂ crystals for superior quality and reliability. Result of a month long proces

    更新时间: 2022-07-15
    产品价格: 6041.75
    厂商性质: 生产厂家
    访问次数: 607
  • 硫化锗单层溶液

    This product contains GeS mono-, few-layer, and thick flakes in isopropanol solution. GeS crystals has been synthesized synthetically at 99.9995% purity and they have been dispersed into isopropanol

    更新时间: 2022-07-15
    产品价格: 4833.4
    厂商性质: 生产厂家
    访问次数: 511
  • 硒化锗单层溶液

    This product contains GeSe mono- and few-layer thick flakes in isopropanol solution. GeSe crystals has been synthesized synthetically at 99.9995% purity and they have been dispersed into isopropanol

    更新时间: 2022-07-15
    产品价格: 4833.4
    厂商性质: 生产厂家
    访问次数: 571
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  • 联系人:陈谷一
  • 地址:江苏省泰州市凤凰西路168号
  • 邮箱:taizhou@sunano.com.cn
  • 电话:021-56830191




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